Today’s manufacturing leaders are rushing to tout their remote work initiatives, promising flexibility and agility in response to a uniquely challenging year.

Call it a new normal, an operational necessity, or just changing with the times. Still, no matter how you frame it, the present and future of work will necessarily look different than it did before the recent pandemic.

To thrive in this environment, companies require more than an internet connection and enterprise IT tools. For companies to remain efficient, effective, and profitable while managing a remote workforce, they need remote operations capacity, which equips remote and on-site employees to engage with real-world infrastructure without compromising security or accessibility.

For the manufacturing industry, which relies on a powerful combination of forward-leaning technology and direct employee engagement, remote operations capacity enables companies to excel in multiple environments while carrying several ancillary benefits, including cost savings, cybersecurity, public safety, and efficiency.

#1 Cost Savings

Supply chain disruptions, increased material costs, and staffing dilemmas are common for manufacturers in 2020. In this environment, controlling costs is critical to maintaining profitability.

Remote operations capacity plays a part in lower costs by reducing downtime and diminishing the frequency of on-site visits for system repairs and oversight initiatives. Specifically, manufacturers can use remote operations capacity to keep advanced machinery operational by empowering remote workers, diagnosticians, and systems experts to identify, access, and repair problems to minimize downtime and maximize production capacity.

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