XCM as a central management system provides centralized access and management of XONA CSG appliances. There are multiple deployment options, including on-premise hardware as well as a virtual appliance on major on-premise and cloud hypervisors. Once deployed, it will provide remote access users with access to the managed CSGs without having to provide each user with network access to each CSG.

Centralized Access

XCM will allow users to access the web portals of the CSGs without each user having to have network access to the CSGs. Users will just need to have network connectivity to the XCM web portal.

Centralized User Management

Users will be federated across CSGs. XCM-managed users will be able to login to any CSG with their XCM user credentials. Local user accounts will still be able to be created and managed on the local-CSGs. Federation of users will include single sign-on (SSO) users.

Centralized User Groups Management

User groups defined in XCM will be federated across all CSGs. This will allow connection permissions (and other types of permissions) to be granted to these groups on each CSG.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

MFA for XCM users will be supported. MFA methods include TOTP authenticator apps and WebAuthn FIDO2 security keys (e.g., YubiKey).

CSG Monitoring

Authorized users will be able to monitor the CSGs. This includes whether the CSG has connectivity to XCM and the version of the CSG.

Logging and Log Forwarding

Appliance logs are maintained on XCM and can optionally be forwarded to a logging system such as Splunk or Elastisearch.

SAMLv2 Single Sign-On

Users will be able to login to XCM using a SAMLv2 SSO identity provider. XCM will support multiple SSO IdPs.


The XCM database can be backed up and restored.

About XONA

XONA enables frictionless user access that’s purpose-built for operational technology (OT) and other critical infrastructure systems. Technology agnostic and configured in minutes, XONA’s proprietary protocol isolation and zero-trust architecture immediately eliminates common attack vectors, while giving authorized users seamless and secure control of operational technology from any location or device. With integrated MFA, user-to-asset access controls, user session analytics, and automatic video recording, XONA is the single, secure portal that connects the cyber-physical world and enables critical operations to happen from anywhere with total confidence and trust.

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