Remote operations capacity is critical for manufacturers striving to achieve operational continuity during a uniquely disruptive time. Unfortunately, while some sectors are well-suited for the rapid and far-reaching transition to remote work, some in manufacturing are less prepared, making it even more critical that leaders tackle this priority with care and excellence.

2020 survey of more than 50,000 manufacturing sector employees found that less than half have remote work experience. At the same time, remote operations capacity, which gives workers the ability to interact with physical infrastructure, can be more challenging than less nuanced remote roles. Even so, a hybrid workforce combining on-site and remote employees will play a pivotal role in the manufacturing sector’s ability to weather the storms of this moment, and develop strategic technologies for next-generation capabilities.

In this way, the transition to a hybrid workforce represents both a challenge and an opportunity, which leaders are best positioned to achieve when they target specific priorities.

#1 Functionality 

Managing remote teams in a manufacturing environment often requires specific Operational Technology (OT) capabilities, which cannot be found with traditional enterprise IT tools. Automation and Controls Managers need to monitor and collaborate with remote and on-site staff in unique ways. Troubleshooting OT issues often require more detailed user access forensics including user access recording.

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