A 2021 attack on an industrial control system (ICS) at a water treatment plant in a small town in Florida raised eyebrows and surfaced new fears about the risks these kind of systems face. Unfortunately, many ICS systems are working on legacy technology and are unprepared for modern cyber attacks. In this Dark Reading webinar, experts discuss the current threat posed to ICS systems, the tools and practices needed to defend them, and the skill sets required to operate those defenses.

Watch this video to learn:

  • Better understand the differences between ICS and IT security, as well as what they have in common.
  • Be able to more accurately identify potential risks with ICS infrastructure.
  • Gain new insight into the unique threats posed by industrial controls, and how you can bolster your defenses.
  • Learn new techniques for protecting your organization’s most valuable industrial assets.


Jason Clark, Independent Security Researcher

Dr. Jason Clark is a subject matter expert in cyber security with nearly 20 years of real-world experience within the intelligence community, academia, and industry. He has extensive knowledge and experience on a variety of technology related topics. Currently, his main area of interest is researching and analyzing better methods to detect, deter, and mitigate insider threats.


Bill Moore, CEO & Founder, XONA

Bill Moore is the CEO and Founder of XONA, providers of a unique zero-trust user access control and analytics platform for critical infrastructure. Currently focused on helping global power, oil and gas, and manufacturing customers reduce their remote operations costs and cyber risks, Bill has 20+ years of experience in security and the high-tech industries, including positions in sales, marketing, engineering and operations.