“Pipedream” Malware Targets ICS: What Critical Infrastructure Owners Need to Know

Troubling new malware designed to facilitate attacks on a wide array of critical infrastructure – from oil refineries and power plants, to water utilities and factories – is raising concerns for its versatility. The malware, named Pipedream by Dragos and Incontroller by Mandiant, who have both tracked and researched the toolkit, is potentially capable of gaining full system access to multiple industrial control systems (ICS) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) devices.

Fortunately, there is no evidence yet that the malware has been successfully deployed in the wild, but the threat it poses to critical infrastructure is severe enough to warrant an advisory from multiple federal government agencies. This joint advisory was issued by the Department of Energy (DOE), the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the National Security Agency (NSA), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). It says:

APT actors have developed custom-made tools for targeting ICS/SCADA devices. The tools enable them to scan for, compromise, and control affected devices once they have established initial access to the operational technology (OT) network. Additionally, the actors can compromise Windows-based engineering workstations, which may be present in information technology (IT) or OT environments, using an exploit that compromises an ASRock motherboard driver with known vulnerabilities. By compromising and maintaining full system access to ICS/SCADA devices, APT actors could elevate privileges, move laterally within an OT environment, and disrupt critical devices or functions.

There have only been a handful of known and credible malware threats designed to specifically target critical infrastructure. The first such example is Stuxnet, which was uncovered in 2010 and was developed and used by the U.S. and Israeli governments to destroy nuclear enrichment centrifuges in Iran. In 2016, Industroryer (also known as Crash Override) was used by Russian actors to target electrical infrastructure and force blackouts in Kiev, Ukraine. Triton or Trisis was discovered in 2017, and again used by Russians to target Saudi Arabian oil refineries. Most recently, Ukrainian security officials detected a new variant of Industroyer linked with the current Russian offensive, just a few weeks ago.

Since Stuxnet opened the door to malware targeting critical infrastructure more than a decade ago, these are the most prevalent instances to be uncovered. And without even recording proof of it being deployed in the wild, Pipedream/Incontroller already stands apart because it can manipulate such a wide variety of industrial control programmable logic controllers (PLC) and industrial software used across industries.

In their joint advisory, DOE, CISA, NSA, and the FBI urge critical infrastructure organizations to implement a series of detection and mitigation recommendations to strengthen their security posture against the Pipedream/Incontroller threat. Among the 13 recommended steps outlined, XONA already naturally provides organizations with eight of them, including:

  • Isolating ICS/SCADA systems and networks from corporate and internet networks using strong perimeter controls, and limiting any communications entering or leaving ICS/SCADA perimeters.
  • Enforcing multifactor authentication for all remote access to ICS networks and devices whenever possible.
  • Limiting ICS/SCADA systems’ network connections to only specifically allowed management and engineering workstations.
  • Implementing robust log collection and retention from ICS/SCADA systems and management subnets.
  • Ensuring all applications are only installed (accessed) when necessary for operation.
  • Enforcing principle of least privilege. Only use admin accounts when required for tasks, such as installing software updates.

For more information on how XONA natively includes these protections for its customers and to learn how our technology can protect your organization, visit our resources page or reach out to schedule a demo.

Understanding ISA/IEC 62443 Standards for Industrial Networks, OT, and Critical Systems

There are many significant technology-enabled changes taking place in industrial environments today. Smart factories and Industry 4.0. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). The convergence of information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT). All of these things are introducing digital technologies at a fast pace to improve operations, increase productivity, enhance oversight, and increase profitability.

For all the good the technologies offer, there’s also a dark side that opens up the digital environment to vulnerabilities that can enable cyberattacks, theft of intellectual property, and even cyberwarfare.

The threats and concerns of attacks on industrial systems are clearly evident by the recent Biden Administration and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) warning that Russia has been conducting “preparatory activity” for cyberattacks, including scanning websites and hunting for software vulnerabilities, and could attack any critical infrastructure segment in the U.S.  The Administration urges owners of critical infrastructure to conduct cyber risk assessments, implement multi-factor authentication, keep software and malware protection up to date and educate employees on the threats. The 62443 standards provide a framework of controls to mitigate the risk of these types of attacks.

It is this deep concern about security vulnerabilities that led several industry regulators to collaborate on the development of a series of standards that create a flexible framework to address and mitigate current and future security vulnerabilities in industrial automation and control systems (IACSs). The main collaborators in this effort are IEC TC65 / WG10, ANSI / ISA-62443, and ISO / IEC-JTC1-SC27. The standards they came up with, known collectively as ISA/IEC 62443, are applicable to all industry sectors and critical infrastructure.

Due to the comprehensive nature of ISA/IEC 62443, the standards are very broad and are presented in 14 separate documents, organized as shown below in Figure 1. They cover a wide range of topics from terminology, concepts, and models to security technologies for IACS, and much more. The standards are written for various audiences, including plant operators, integration and maintenance service providers, and component/system manufacturers.

In terms of the broad aspects of the standards, XONA provides capabilities for security requirements in the three areas highlighted in green, below.

Documents for ISA/IEC 62443

Figure 1 – Documents for ISA/IEC 62443

Trust us when we say the standards are very broad and deep. It took us weeks to scrutinize every requirement to determine if, and how, XONA supports the standards. The truth is, no single component or system manufacturer can claim to cover every single requirement—the needs are just too diverse. The standards were written to go across multiple technology providers, which explains why system integrators are one of the target audiences of the document: someone needs to put the diverse pieces together to help a company achieve full coverage.

Practitioners and customers often ask if we “comply” with ISA/IEC 62443. This is a bit of a misnomer, as 62443 is not a regulation mandated by a government or industry agency, such as NERC-CIP is for the energy industry. Instead, 62443 is a set of recommended standards that can help companies with industrial automation and control systems protect and secure those systems. Our customers seek to confirm compliance as they have adopted 62443 as a corporately mandated cyber security standard That said, XONA security capabilities and features meet the foundational and security level requirements of the relevant 62443 standards and fulfill the compliance requirement.

Meeting ISA/IEC 62443 Standards

Leading industrial organizations worldwide trust XONA for secure user access and analytics for their critical systems. XONA provides granular user-to-asset access controls and user session analytics via a zero-trust architecture. By integrating with OT asset management and security information and event management (SIEM) platforms, XONA adds the essential user-to-asset access control and analytics components needed in industrial infrastructure today.

Given these capabilities, it’s a natural fit for XONA to address various aspects of 62443, specifically around access control, identification and authentication control, use control, data confidentiality, and least privilege. These fall within XONA’s functionality and areas of expertise for securing industrial networks and systems. An important consideration is to select technology that aids in meeting and staying compliant and not undo any security countermeasures.

Because of the complex and detailed nature of these requirements, we’ve created a datasheet that explains which of the requirements XONA meets and how. Download it now:

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If you’d like to discuss how we fulfill those requirements and can help your organization improve user access control, schedule a demo today.